Thursday, January 12, 2012

The great Adventure to Connecticut Part 3. Dallas to CT

The first thing I decided while boarding my Flight to D.C. was I should probably take advantage of the long flight and catch a quick nap, So I waited to get up in the air and quickly drifted off to sleep and woke up 30 minutes later feeling amazingly Refreshed. I took the time to organize several albums then I realized we where getting close to D.C. and I might want to get my camera ready. Well unfortunately I was in the wrong spot for photo's maybe when we fly out.

So as I step off the plane my stomach starts growling for FOOD...

What better food than, Pizza by the Slice actually two...
Although I have had much better, Home Made Deep Dish comes to mind ;-) 

But what is pizza, without a Cookie. A NORMAL SUGAR COOKIE....

After eating and stopping to charge some devices, my layover was over and it was back to business getting on my plane to Providence R.I.

I had to exit the Secure area of Terminal B for the Secure section of Terminal A, Ohh Joy another TSA Checkpoint. Then as I was walking through Washington Reagan I noticed a Sight that always makes Me proud.

Our Nations Flag in All it's Glory
Little did I realize shortly after walking under a Flag that represents Freedom and Liberty, I would have my Rights violated yet again, with a Full Body scan, and "Open Handed Pat Down" Yeah let's not get me started on that one.

So I board the plane and to my surprise I have a window seat, SCORE!!! Then I look out said window and notice a obvious Union Worker, hard at it...
Shortly after this was taken, he did an awesome impersonation of Michael Jackson Moon walking while guiding us backwards and busting some cool move as he waived us out...

As we moved into position down the runway I noticed some amazing Sights 

The Washington Monument

The White House

After we got in the Air, I got a few more good shots of D.C. 

A Birds View of the City
 The Navy Yard

I managed to sneak in another 20 minute nap to help re-charge so to speak. Shortly after I awoke we turned in Towards Providence R.I. and I snapped this picture of the sun over the Atlantic

We finally made it to R.I.

Hours of worrying relieved when I saw this intact.

I snapped some more pics as we waited on the Bus that was Chartered to drive us to the town where the  show was being Held in Connecticut. I would later find out it was being held at a Indian Casino...

Here is a Cool Welcome Sign 
 Outside the Airport
 Dear Smith County ESD#2,
Can I please Have one ???

After another 20-30 minute wait on everybody else De-boarding planes, we started out bus ride to Connecticut. I learned from the Driver in this time period that we where headed to a Indian Casino, I had to laugh because I did not realize Connecticut had Indians much less Indian Casinos. We drove for about 45 minutes, yep we crossed two States in the Time it Takes to Drive from Lindale to Bullard...

A shot of the Massive Resort while we crossed the Thames River in SE Connecticut.
Finally after Nearly 12 hours of Travel, 1Car Ride, 1 Tram Ride, 1 Bus Ride, 2 Layovers, and 3 Flights We arrive at the Check in Desk.

I checked in, and went upstairs to change and came back down for a quick dinner. Then straight to bed for a good nights sleep.

Stay tuned for part 4...

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